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Free Freight Shipping | USA Installation Partners | 5-Year Warranty


Habitat Haven - The Original Catio Builders!

Habitat Haven - The Original Catio Builders!

Since 2003 - well before catios were sold online - Habitat Haven has been providing the BEST quality of life for cats! Our catios offer a safe, enriching outdoor space that enhances your cats' health, provides a mentally and physically stimulating outdoor play area, and reduces behavioral issues - all while protecting your cat from roads, neighborhood pets, and predators. Get peace of mind with a Habitat Haven catio and design your custom catio with our team today!

Since 2003 - well before catios were sold online - Habitat Haven has been providing the BEST quality of life for cats! Our catios offer a safe, enriching outdoor space that enhances your cats' health, provides a mentally and physically stimulating outdoor play area, and reduces behavioral issues - all while protecting your cat from roads, neighborhood pets, and predators. Get peace of mind with a Habitat Haven catio and design your custom catio with our team today!

Texas' Only Predator-Proof Catio with an 5-Year Warranty

Texas' Only Predator-Proof Catio with an 5-Year Warranty

Texas cat owners face a unique challenge when creating a safe outdoor space for their furry family. Habitat Haven catios are built with a 3.5mm predator-proof welded wire construction - NOT the light-duty chicken wire sold by others! We're not only 100% confident your cat can't through the wire, we're positive predators like mountain lions, coyotes, predatory birds, and dogs cannot get in!

Texas cat owners face a unique challenge when creating a safe outdoor space for their furry family. Habitat Haven catios are built with a 3.5mm predator-proof welded wire construction - NOT the light-duty chicken wire sold by others! We're not only 100% confident your cat can't through the wire, we're positive predators like mountain lions, coyotes, predatory birds, and dogs cannot get in!


Research from the National Park Service showed coyote scat contained cat remains in 20% of analyzed samples!


These nocturnal hunters are opportunists known to target domesticated animals when not safely contained!

Mountain Lions

Mountain Lion's have a bite strength of over 400 PSI, but our steel wire has a break strength more than double that!

Predatory Birds

Our fully enclosed catios prevent owls and other predatory birds from harming your furry family member!

Cat Lounging on Habitat Haven Catio Cedar Shelf

Custom Catios Available Across the Entire Lone-Star State!

Our catio designers have over 20 years of experience creating custom catio designs using beautiful design CAD tools, and we offer that experience completely free to ensure you receive the best catio enclosure for your cat(s)!

Catio Benefits

Learn why a catio is the secret to your cat's BEST quality of life

Health & Quality of Life

Every cat deserves the enriching lifestyle catios offer. Veterinarians agree safe outdoor spaces offer a stimulating environment, which prevents boredom and curbs unwanted behaviors like excessive meowing or destroying furniture. Fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity also promotes your cat’s overall well-being, both mentally and physically.

Ecosystem Conservation

Protecting your cat from predators is important, but your cat is a predator too! Texas is home to a diverse range of bird species and small mammals, many of which are threatened by free-roaming cats. A catio provides a safe solution, preventing hunting and helping to preserve local wildlife and natural ecosystems. Help maintain a balanced ecosystem!

Safe from Predators

Texas is home to a variety of predators, including bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, and owls. Habitat Haven’s catios are built with 3.5mm coated steel wire - over 3x thicker and 10x stronger than standard catio wire - ensuring a predator-proof space cats to safely enjoy without the risk of harm.

Our Design & Build Process

Why Choose Habitat Haven?

100% FREE Catio Plan

Our catio designers have over 20 years of experience designing custom catios.

Complete CAD Design

Each custom design gets a architectural CAD mockup so you can see your catio in your space!

FREE Delivery to Your Door

We manufacture our catios in Michigan, and ship to your door free of charge over $999

Expert Catio Builders

Our catios can be assembled easily DIY, or by any of our nationwide expert catio builders.

Warranty & Lifetime Support

We're the only builder with a 5-year product warranty and unlimited USA-based product support!

Let's Get Started

We can't wait to design your custom catio!
